Schrockguide QR Code

2702 views   |   Designed by: barnar  |   29-07-2013
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Schrockguide QR Code

Schrockguide QR Code description:

Obviously one of our very favorite QR Codes! This cheery clover leaf was created by Cathy Schrock and links to a site which tells you all about how to use QR Codes in the classroom. Welcome to Kathy Schrock's Guide to Everything! As an educational technologist, I keep learning each day. As I develop new presentations or interests, I create a page of support resources. This site will serve as the entry to my resource pages. Use the navigation bar on the left to visit the pages. If you have any comments or ideas to share, or you want to find out how you can have me come speak to your school, district, or conference attendees, either in-person or virtually, drop me a line! Just scan the QR Code!

Related: Schrockguide QR Code, branded qr code, logo qr code
